Welcome to the world of HomeGuru!
A one-on-one tutoring platform which helps you find Tutors of your choice.
What do we do?We have registered thousands of qualified, verified tutors who teach more than 100 academic / non-academic subjects for all age groups.
Our Key differentiators:- You can choose tutors that best suit your budget, and are willing to teach at your available time.
- We have expert tutors/coaches who can help you with pursuing various hobbies and passions.
- You may also opt for at-home tuitions!
Fill up the form below and we shall get in touch with you within 24 hours to help you find your Guru!
Non-academic Courses
Your need.
Your choice.
Your success.
In reality, nothing is ever easy, but we have provided the pathway for you to explore and discover.
Find your Guru
Schedule Timings
Learn from anywhere
“Learning should never stop, and distance should never be an impediment to learn”
Selection Through Digital Sciences
- Find a guru quickly and easily
- Be able to choose one from many
- The ability to change your tutor
- Flexibility in setting your learning schedule
High-quality tutoring
- Tutors are vetted by an experienced team from HomeGuru
- They are coached before they can coach
- A 60-hour continuous learning programme in the first three months of being a tutor
- Tutors are provided with high quality teaching aids, and instruction materials
- Parents and/or students can choose tutors from anywhere in India
- Tutors vary from those in tertiary education, to professors and professionals
- Learning can be imparted online or face-to-face
Tailor made for you
Be they central boards or state boards. Or entrance exams for Indian institutions or foreign ones. Be they popular or esoteric subjects. We cover them all, and our educators are well-versed in them, often having taken one or more of these examinations during their early lives.
However, beyond conventional learning and academics, there’s a fun side too. Age, it is said, is just a number, and there is no impediment to people learning new skills, exploring hobbies, or becoming proficient at something they never believed they had the inclination for.
So, whether it’s the culinary arts, music and dance, yoga, gardening, fashion design, and a host of other pursuits, we have passionate people ready to help you explore the possible. And guess what? The list of hobbies and pursuits will only grow in time. And if there’s something missing, drop us a line, and we’ll see what we can do to make it happen.