
13 June 2024

Top 5 ways to boost your income with tutoring jobs

If we look at the scenario from the pre-covid to post-covid phase, the teaching profession has gained immense respect. Teachers have also witnessed a sense of self-esteem and growth in their personal lives.

This world at their doorstep:

Post-Pandemic, we saw a sudden shift in the rise of digital technology. Schools, colleges, and institutions switched to hybrid education. This led to an increase in the opportunities for teachers and acted as a catalyst for giving a land full of positive possibilities.

Not only for academic requirements, but the students also opted for various online classes for non-academic learning. And this led to an increase in tutor requirements.

The gloomy global Pandemic transformed into an opportune land of possibilities for teachers.

Period of Transformation:

During the Corona outbreak, the world shifted upside down, and it impacted the education sector equally. There were a lot of challenges faced by students, and it was difficult for them to cope with the situation. But, none of us talked about the major impact this Pandemic brought on teachers’ lives.

As everything was online and the technology was at its peak. It was difficult for teachers to understand the new norm. They were dealing with the situation strongly without getting positive recognition.

Challenges faced by them:

  • Adjusting to the new environment that was different from physical classrooms.

  • Learning the technological aspects to take online classes.

  • Adapting to new teaching methods and managing students virtually.

  • Struggling with their own creativity and productive juices.

  • Working on half salary and working their fingers to the bone.

Their daily challenges went unnoticed and unrecognized. But slowly, the phase of transformation began to happen. Teachers went through a huge change and boosted their morale along with creativity.

The before and after phase of the global Pandemic changed the whole scenario and opened a gateway of opportunities for teachers. Now, they are not limited to time, place, money, and talent.

Time: Now, they have a free hand in selecting and taking classes without any time limitation.

Place: Now, the shift is inclined more digitally, teachers have relative freedom to choose classes; be it giving online or opting for home tuitions.

Money: Now, there is no income limitation. For better results, parents are ready to take classes from tutors that can benefit their children.

Talent: Now, the teachers have gained respect in their own eyes, and they are using their skills the most.

In this blog, we have covered a few ways through which teachers can utilize this golden time to the maximum potential and earn more through their teaching jobs.

If you are a teacher, then this blog can help you earn extra.

Ways to Boost Income with Tutoring Jobs:


A teacher is an all-rounder. From patience to practice, they are known for their hard-working nature and sharp mindset. Hence, using every skill in an appropriate manner can help you with an increase in income.

The Post-Pandemic era has given a new perspective to all the tutors and through this self-recognition, you can boost your income by enhancing your skills.

      • Take a look at the skills you are good with and start working on them.

      • Look out for different job roles that resonate with your skills.

      • Give home tuitions and online classes for the same on a regular basis.

Apart from regular Academic teaching,

      • If you are an artist, then you can give classes to those who want to pursue their careers in the field of art and craft.

      • Also, you can use your art potential either to sell your artwork, paintings, hand-made crafts or portray it in an art gallery and earn from it.

      • You can make customized paintings to take your skill to the next level and can earn well.

      • If you have an interest in sports, you can become a referral sports coach or a part-time yoga instructor.

      • Also, you can try your hands in planning the diet and becoming a nutritionist.

      • You can teach coding languages and other tech-related courses.

Job-Opportunities: For Online and Offline Tutors


Use digital technology to the fullest and look out for growing and expanding your teaching career. After the corona, the virtual place has become a new window to store and update your professional resume.

You can present your talent and show your achievements online to boost more income.

      • Make informative videos online on YouTube and engage with more students.

      • Make videos on specific topics that are important for students and that are most likely to come in the exam.

      • Do interactive live sessions on Facebook or Instagram and connect with parents and students on a regular basis.

      • Advertise yourself and take help of mouth publicity that will help in increasing your professional network and increased income.


Being a tutor is not only limited to teaching in schools or universities. This profession gives complete liberty to the teachers to choose and select any other teaching place as per their preference. Hence, extend your capabilities and bring positive circumstances to your courtroom.

      • If you are a school teacher, try to give extra classes to your students and earn from that.

      • Do not restrict yourself to any specific time duration and be open to any change and opportunity.


Every course; be it academic, non-academic, language learning, competitive examination, etc. has many variations in the fee structure. Also, different places also play a major role in charging your fee. Hence, be an open-minded individual and know the fee structure accordingly.

      • Make use of your teaching experience and opt for becoming subject-matter experts and earn extra.

      • If you are a fresher, you can start by giving classes to pre-primary children.

      • You can also use your writing skills and start writing for educational websites.

      • You can also write ebooks and become a part of writing anthology.

      • Charge more for non-academic courses as they require more practice and are not included in the syllabus.


Now, everything is available at the click of a button. You can take the help of the world wide web to look for a teaching job.

    • If you have well-known teaching experience, simply register yourself on an online teaching platform and give tuition to the students.

    • Give 1:1 personalized classes and earn more.

    • Register yourself to HomeGuru (fresher or an experienced tutor).

At HomeGuru, we take care of every teaching need and give support to the teachers.


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