
16 December 2021

Top 5 Time Management Skills For Teachers

In today’s busy schedule and hectic lifestyle routine, time management is a basic tool to properly sequence your professional and personal daily chores. If not, then it might lead to infinite folds of distress and delay your work more than usual. Especially in the learning sector, where teachers are constantly striving and hustling to give their best to their students, time management skill is an hour of the need. 

Why it is Important for a Teacher to have Good Time Management Skills?

Teaching time management skills to adults is not a cakewalk. This process requires proper effort and consistency. In most cases, the adults are less prone to adapting to the new mechanism of learning and become more resilient to change, hence, things get more complicated. Teachers are a driving force of knowledge. But, if you look at the amount of work they do with the responsibility of hundreds of tasks to cover, it is important to have a treat for their multifunctional brain by scheduling a proper time management routine. To give 100% results and bring out efficacy in work, time management skill is a must for teachers. 

What are the Benefits of Time Management for Teachers?

Occupied with multiple endeavors, managing the schedule can benefit teachers in many ways. 

  • Helps in making you organized: Time Management skills aid in making you more organized towards your work and surroundings. It keeps you updated with all the tasks and helps you systematically prioritize your routine. It will reduce the burden of the work, and things will be butter-smooth. 
  • Helps in making you more productive: Proper planning of the tasks boosts your confidence and makes you prepared for the rest of your day. It unleashes the productive side more often. You witness a drastic change in your procrastination and as an individual, you become more energetic towards your daily assignments. 

Must-Read: Simple Tips to Balance Work and Life

  • Helps in controlling stress and anxiety: In today’s time, when mental health is equally important as physical health, implementing time management techniques can control your mental stress. If there is a proper schedule, then instinctively, it balances your mental health and brings peace and comfort. 
  • Creates balance between professional and personal life: By managing your time, you will be able to enjoy your work more. Your professionalism is just a part of your life, and by scheduling it appropriately, you will be able to balance both aspects perfectly. It relaxes your mind and gives you an energy booster. 
  • Brings out the efficient results: A proper plan never fails in bringing futile results. The systematic approach towards your tasks can be helpful for fast and efficient results. It helps in progressing and evaluating your personal growth. 

Time Management Skills For Teachers:

Make a Plan:

  • Take a pen and a piece of paper.
  • List down all the things you need to cover in a day.
  • Use the black pen for heading and line differentiator for different tasks
  • Utilize this list for your day

Do Not Multi-task: 

  • Take one step at a time
  • Try to cover one assignment at a one-single time
  • Multi-tasking seems to make you finish your task earlier, but it is least beneficial for productivity
  • Focus on a single task and then proceed one-after-another. 

Try to Take Breaks:

  • Give yourself rest after every two tasks.
  • Go on a walk or take a power nap
  • Enjoy your favorite music or 4-5 minute comedy video to cheer your mood
  • Do some stretches and muscle relaxing exercises

Use Some Time Management Techniques:

  • Pomodoro Technique: Select work and assign a timer for it. After completion of the task, give yourself break. Do for every task.
  • Pareto Principle: This is also known as the 80/20 rule where to manage time, you should focus on 205 of your efforts to bring out 80% of desired and efficient results. 
  • Eisenhower Matrix: Through this technique, you can assemble your assignments in four quadrants and give them four separate headings, Important and Urgent, Important but Not Urgent, Urgent but Not Important, Neither Important Nor Urgent. After this, you can analyze from where to start with. 

Use a Daily Planner, and Don’t Forget To Reward Yourself:

  • Use some creative and well-organized daily planners.
  • Write down and divide your work in that planner along with the proper day and date.
  • After completion of the task, don’t forget to give a ‘check!’
  • Reward yourself after each task. 

With these techniques, you will be able to manage time efficiently and bring out fruitful results without any delay. 

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